Sunday, August 19, 2007

The Freed Man

Sebadoh- The Freed Man

Sebadoh's III is often cited as being their best record, but it's not as fun and demented as The Freed Man, which is basically two goofballs realizing the potential of samples and tape manipulation. The songs by Lou Barlow and Eric Gaffney date as far back as '81 and end around the late 80s, around when the first "real" lineup of Barlow, Gaffney and Jason Loewenstein was formed. At 52 tracks, The Freed Man is a bit of a behemoth, but the songs are good, especially the throwaway pop of "Julienne," "Punch In The Nose," and "Moldy Bread." For post-adolescent yearning, heartbreak and disillusionment, you could really do a lot worse.

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